Unto Him

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did unto one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did unto me.”
Matthew 25:40

Due to the many challenges brought forth by the current coronavirus pandemic, Unto Him Ministries is purchasing, sorting and packing large tubs of food and other needed items and delivering them to families in need. We are also helping to supply food to a local senior living facility and a drive by food pantry conducted at a local elementary school.

For more in formation see our “EVENTS” section.

Welcome to Unto Him

“Unto Him” is a ministry made up of ordinary people, attempting to do extraordinary things for Christ.  The passage in Matthew 25: 31 – 46 clearly tells us that when we serve those during their time of need, we are thereby serving our Heavenly Father.

As a 501C3 faith-based organization, Unto Him is made up of like-minded Christian volunteers throughout central Indiana that share a heart for demonstrating Godly love toward those less fortunate, by serving them and tending to their various needs.

Our Unto Him volunteers – which consist of men, women, and children from various backgrounds, ages, races, cultures, church affiliations & denominations, professions, and social-economic groups -  are solely motivated by one thing: our desire to please God through our various acts of service, directed toward those in need throughout our community.

By doing so, our mission is to act as the hands and feet of Jesus, by mimicking the love and compassion that Jesus displayed during His earthly walk.  Therefore, we take any praise or glory that might be directed toward us for our humble acts of service, and redirect it back Unto Him – Jesus Christ, our Lord & Savior.

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